How Emotional Intelligence Helps Local Government Teams

In a recent LeaderGov workshop on Emotional Intelligence, leaders shared their perspective and best practices on effectively addressing their own emotions as well as emotional situations on their teams. 

Underlying the leaders’ answers was a desire to improve their skill and the skills of their teams to address tension and emotion.   LeaderGov recommended several tools to learn and grow EI for their teams including:

  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Book Club
  • Ted Talks
  • LeaderGov’s EI Team Workshop
  • LeaderGov’s Team EI Survey
  • Team Discussion about EI
  • Have individuals complete the free IHHP Assessment & MindTools EI Assessment

The workshop started by asking the local government leaders why they or their leadership teams sometimes do not lean into emotional situations at work.  Leaders responded with the following ideas.

  1. Fear of conflict or confrontation.
  2. Lack of confidence in handling emotional situations effectively.
  3. Concern about making a...
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Grow Your Team's Emotional Intelligence Skills

In a recent LinkedIn poll, we asked local government leaders if their teams’ emotional intelligence was above average, average or below average. The results were not surprising in that most people rated their team below average or average. 

So, what does it take to increase and develop emotional awareness on a team? Developing emotional intelligence in an organization can have numerous benefits, including improved communication, increased teamwork, and better conflict resolution. 

Here are some ways to grow emotional intelligence in your local government:

  • Invest in training and coaching: Employees can benefit from workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions on emotional intelligence. These programs can help them develop self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills. 
  • Lead by example: Leaders play a crucial role in fostering emotional intelligence in their organizations. By modeling behaviors such as active listening, compassion, and empathy,...
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Hiring well in local government

All great organizations have one thing in common... they hire smart, good-fit candidates onto their teams.  While easily said, hiring can be a stressful and challenging.   In this LeaderGov blog we'd like to share six ideas to help you supercharge your hiring processes.

  1. Hiring Process Input - Do you have a team of people interview each of your final 2-3 candidates or do one or two people do all the interviewing?  We'd recommend that you have up to 5-7 people interview the final 2-3 candidates so you get a well-rounded view of the person.  Making those interviews 1-on-1 also allows each person to get to know the candidates in a more informal setting versus a large room with five people interviewing one person at the same time.  Talk about stress!
  2. Reference Checks - Although this is a basic idea, we usually see that these calls are to mainly check on skills.  We want to encourage you to probe not only for skill...
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