According to a study by the University of Scranton’s Journal of Clinical Psychology, roughly forty-five (45%) of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Seventy-five (75%) maintain them for a week and sixty-four (64%) maintain their resolutions for one month. Only forty-six (46%) maintain their resolutions for more than 6 months.
As a leader influencing your local government, it’s important to set strategic goals or resolutions for yourself each year – you might call them resolutions for your City, County or Department. While you probably have a Council or Commission or Manager eager to set goals for you, it’s important to pursue a few goals you see as vital to your team’s success.
The first step is to document your resolutions in writing. People are 50% more likely to achieve a goal if it’s written down.
A Look Back: Look back on the past year and consider what you did well and what you...
50% Complete
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