Register for a Free Workshop

How Multiple Generations Impact the Local Government Workplace 

Discover tips to leverage generational strengths and overcome generational quirks.

Register: Friday, January 10, 2024 - 2:00 PM EST / 11:00AM PST

Your team is invited to participate in LeaderGov's free "How to Leverage Multiple Generations in the Local Government Workplace" workshop. 


Friday,   January 10, 2024

2:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM PST


What you’ll learn and experience:

  • How Richland WA’s City Manager benefited from the influence of another generation  
  • Benefits of each generation 
  • Discussion on how to leverage other generations 

Register NOW to save your spot!

Register for workshop now!

What you and your team will learn at this free workshop 


In this workshop you’ll hear best practices for multi-generational teams.


You’ll learn what other agencies are doing to improve multi-gen teamwork. 


You’ll get to interact with other local government leaders on this topic which directly affects productivity, turnover and culture.

Invite other Local Government Teams to Join the Workshop

This workshop is for City and County team leaders and their team members.